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F R O M   C O R P O R A T E
T O  T R A D E S H O W



Visitor Experience,

Tradeshow Booth,

Café Menus,

Flavor Markers, Collateral


Lead Designer

Design Team America

Design Team Italy

Marketing Team

Exhibit Design House

Installation Team 

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To inspire business to business customers, the booth is a mock cafe serving up samples of the newest flavors and dessert creations.

Onsite staff consist of skilled and innovated pastry chefs performing demonstrations as they promote the training center at their headquarters

in Charlotte, NC. Branding consistency was imperative as I contributed signage and graphic treatments from wall to pastry case and from menu to flavor markers. 

N A T I O N A L  R E S T A U R A N T 
A S S O C I A T I O N  S H O W

foodservice logo.png


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As a dessert  ingredient supply company it is imperative to highlight the process of working with the product as well as final product. 


The theme the company promoted world wide for 2018 was "From Our Family to Yours". The tagline as well as a leaf pattern need to be incorporated as well. Lots of guidelines to follow on brand for such a small booth. The solution resides in the wall space; plenty of space to communicate the

story of PreGel.

F O O D  &  S E R V I C E  S H O W

PGCL Booth Sketch-01.jpg
Pastry Production 70cmx55cm.jpg
Pasterleria with Logo 230cmx100cm.png
Middle Graphic Pan and Verrine 240cmx100
Gelato with Logo 230cmx100cm.png
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